Monday, June 2, 2014

Evaluating Hillary Clintons Tenure at State | National Catholic Reporter

Evaluating Hillary Clintons Tenure at State | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Meade mostly gets it right and his analysis is fairly textbook.  Of course, textbook's tend to deal with the past and the best analogy to rely on here is George H.W. Bush, who was a three-term House member, envoy to China and CIA director.  Hillary has been a Watergate prosecutor, Madame Secretary of State, First Lady and a Senator.  Obama came with a list of policy goals, including the all important ones on making the rich pay more in taxes.  Hillary has her resume and her gender - which along with her ties to the Nixon impeachment - fires up her opposition - making it hard for her until they die off (which they will).  Still, history shows that she will likely be elected - but that her resume gives her only a 50% chance of re-election.  Obama had that Senate credential and he was re-elected.  The odds are not good for HRC.

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