Saturday, June 21, 2014

Silk on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | National Catholic Reporter

Silk on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: While the Shoa is a reason for the existence of the Jewish state, it is not the only one.  The refusal of the rest of the world to take in large numbers of refugees - both before and after the war- has as much to do with it. The students should have been shown the movie about the St. Louis, which the U.S. State Department did not allow to dock (nor did any other nation).  In that era, by the way, Jews and Arabs across the region coexisted peacefully.  Only when they started shooting each other was there a problem.  The cynical will say that it may have been the Jews who started shooting first so that they could take control of the Palestinian land.  Those who did not leave are considered Arab Israelis, not Palestinians. Truthspeak rules.

The odd thing is that many, if not all, Palestinians were Christians before they were Muslim and Samaritans before that.  We are begining to know that the Romany, who also died in work camps under Hitler, are essentially Samaritans (people of the northern kingdom).  Palestinians should never again protest against learning about the Holocaust - since their relatives, who are still scattered, were also victims.  Indeed, accepting that destroys any right the Jewish State has to not consider Palestinians as full citizens and brothers.  We are all one people - I am Romany - and until we acknowledge that peace is impossible.

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