Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Gates Foundation: No Abortion Funding | National Catholic Reporter

Gates Foundation: No Abortion Funding | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Melinda thinks that smaller families make development more likely.  Economic history says something else - that population pressure, industrialization and consumerism tend to be the best way to do it.  It is still good that she is not funding abortion - although some may ask what took her so long.  Someone should tell the President that what the government and Melinda are doing includes encouraging smaller families among his relatives - which means less people with his ears - or precisely less people that look like him.  Even though this was E.W. Jackson's point, personalizing it to Obama seems necessary.  Of course, on the biology of it, I wish that more bishops, theologians and pro-life activists would take a real embryology book to the beach - one that explains gastrulation in detail.  Maybe then we could stop obsessing about birth control except in those cases where it is being used to not deal with the real causes of poverty.  As for abortion, the human dignity problem is economic - for most who could afford the child would unless there is a problem.  The majority of the pro-life movement are less concerned with the human dignity of the unborn as they are the electoral force the movement can be in the Republican Party (why they don't like pro-life Democrats - it muddies their ability to take the holier-than-thou-art high ground without actually making abortion more unlikely by changing family economics - which the right rejects out of hand).

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