Friday, June 13, 2014

Best, Concise RCs vs Libertarianism Article | National Catholic Reporter

Best, Concise RCs vs Libertarianism Article | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Ms. Stoker does a good job in reproducing quotes the get to the subtlety of the Cardinal's argument - who mays many, not all.  From his perch in Hondures, the Cardinal sees first hand what libertarian capitalists do to his society and is quite correct that it is the American variety one sees supporting the Republican Party (not the Llibertarian Party per se) that do most of the damage.  Indeed, the Cardinal could have called out the GOP - which is why the NRO, EWTN et al are in such a twitter - since most with a brain can detect the inference - it is why they are responding back so defensively (instead of going to Confession from some pretty unspeakable things they have helped justify -including the murder of peasant workers).  NRO has a point that development can be a good tool - but that depends on how exploitative it is and whether the salary helps one become a consumer in the economy.  If the limited number of employers is small enough, there will be no consumer effect and capitalism is slavery.  More employers mean good workers can demand higher wages and unionization - something the libertarians fight tooth and nail - both academic and corporate.  I submit that some of these so-called libertarians (and they aren't really because they violate the prohibition on force or association with those who do (my little touch)) are nothing of the kind.  They are simply capitalist exploiters.

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