Monday, June 2, 2014

What is George Weigel Smoking? | National Catholic Reporter

What is George Weigel Smoking? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The key fact about Weigel is that he is a Catholic Republican author with the emphasis on Republican.  He was so pleased with St. John Paul II because the Republican mythos is that Reagan and Wojitila defeated Communism (the truth is that it defeated the Soviets, not the concept called Communism - which is inevitable with the advance of technology).  The Campaign for Human Development is the kind of liberation theology/spirit of Vatican II organization he and his ideologues cannot handle - especially the part having to do with parish social ministry - which is to Catholic Democrats what the right to life movement is to Catholic Republicans - except the CHD has a chance of succeeding.  As for Catholic Schools, if they need more money they should become Charter Schools - with the added feature of increasing income or property taxes to fund the increase in the Public Education budget.

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