Saturday, June 21, 2014

Robert Christian on RC/Libertarianism | National Catholic Reporter

Robert Christian on RC/Libertarianism | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB:There is more than one kind of libertarianism.  The Libertarian Party has its kind - and one of the bitterest debates in it is about abortion - the Paulistas (whether they are LP or GOP are definitely pro life).  As far as drugs - it depends.  that is a legal issue, not a canonical one.  Some drugs are worse than others and on both abortion and drugs the question is not health or right and wrong but whether the government can do more harm than good in probiting either.  Experience shows the answer is a resounding no.  While some Libertarians and many Theologians are about arguing points from deduction - most of us sane folks - who may be both look at real world experience when deciding how to proceed.  

There are right wing libertarians who are primarily economic libertarians.  Many equate taxation with theft because it includes the possiblity of state violence. In reality, being jailed for not paying taxes or filing them is rare, but many obsess on it.  There are left libertarians too, many being social libertarians who want the government to leave people alone on drugs, sex (especially banning gay marraige - although some have recently said marriage itself should be banned - but that is just PC directed at the Church) etc.  Finally, there are libertarian socialists (the first libertarians - and probably the last) who can defintely work with the Church as a governmental alternative in many areas - especially education (and the Church is lax in doing adult education high schools and votech schools), health (lets expand CHA), correcttions (as in expanding CHA some more to do mental health care) and possibly even administering retirement annuities to the spouses of workers and retirees who have died.  This can all be done with the Church being paid in lieu of taxes being paid.  So, yes, the Church and libertarians can actually work together quite nicely.

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