Saturday, December 13, 2014

Is Pope Francis Right about the Synod? | National Catholic Reporter

Is Pope Francis Right about the Synod? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Francis has a wonderful outlook - one that sees debate, not division, among his bishops on these issues, as well as a unity of purpose.  Whether the bishops or the commentators share that is another story.  While Francis does not see factions, many of the rest of us do - both inside and outside the Synod. We are each entitled, by the way, to our points of view - first about the facts and then the points of view themselves.  This means that all can be right - because they are as they see it.  Francis is taking a larger view and will finally have to put his foot down about the concluding doctrine - that is unless the Second Synod can establish some consensus without his having to do so.

About the Church and modernity - I once watched a piece about the Middle Ages.  Guess what.  They were modern by their POV and their Church was the modern Church.  The Renaissance Church was also modern, as was the Church of the Enlightenment.  The Church cannot, of course, avoid dealing with the ambient culture in every age.  It has, in fact, changed with each generation - as the hierarchy, curia and theologians bring their language and ideas to the Deposit of Faith.  Note that reading a Bible in English will no longer get you burned at the stake. It is likely that marriage after divorce and taking Communion will not longer be considered a sacrilege in the very near future - however that may change that whole system of thought on when Communion can occur.  Including while being gay and not celibate, or a pro-choice politician at the Communion rail. This recognition of continuing modernity, of course, is what the Burke faction hates - but they are arguing with the rain and wind.  Will the gay marriage faction get these unions blessed?  Maybe not just yet - but the voice of the people will speak on that anyway.

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