Wednesday, December 3, 2014

If I Lived in LA... | National Catholic Reporter

If I Lived in LA... | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I remember the weekly question from my father as to whether I wanted to go to Confession.  At the age of 10, the only thing I had to confess were scruples on where I scratched.  Then I looked at one of the sex education books they put out in the old days about not getting naked, even when dressing, and it gave me no respect for the Church in this area.  Until it publicly announces that its not interested in small time sexual sins and that these are not mortal, most people will simply stay away - no matter how good the advertising.  As to those who have been missing Church - they don't need Confession, they need to go to Church and listen for the angels shout for joy as they join the Communion line.  The fact is, morality is for us, not to settle a debt with God.  Of course, forgiveness without forgiving others is as ineffective now as it was when Jesus talked about the parable of the forgiven servant (which describes something akin to Purgatory).

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