Thursday, May 26, 2016

Links for 05/26/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 05/26/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Jared is realist and is hoping that neither the Freedom Caucus or the Sanders wing will try to change the deal. It is probably a sensible strategy, although I think the right wing has more to lose by P.R. standing up for a better control board. As it is, the Hastert rule will need to be suspended to pass the deal. In for a penny...

MSW actually mentioned the Bosnia landing yesterday too, but did not include the very old link. As I said yesterday, she would have known what the pilot announced about the landing precautions they passengers had to take. They may well have been taking live fire precautions.

I agree with Sullivan the same way MSW agrees with Berkowitz. In this case, Sullivan is relying on survey data that shows that most American citizens have a very low opinion of the civil rights of their neighbors (whether it is matter of right decisions on property to how free speech can be). Trump's band of hooligans are the worst of them and Trump is not far behind. In general, this is not a problem because the electoral class has usually had enough grounding in law or at least political science to not let the great unwashed go too far. Trump has no such education, which means either OJT or more mistakes than can be corrected with lawsuits against the United States. Luckily the latest polls are designed to prove their is an election to be waged - when the reality is that an Electoral College landslide is likely (unless Clinton really puts her foot in it - but that has not hurt Trump).

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