Monday, May 23, 2016

Links for 05/23/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 05/23/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Trump has suggestions, not proposals. While I agree with bringing the troops home without much greater financial support by our allies, the idea of Trump as commander in chief is scary. Voiding many of our trade agreements is also a good idea, but once he gets an earful from his fellow capitalists, I don't believe he will go through with this suggestion. His populism reflects more a return to white privilege and a shame culture about sex (at least homosexuality) than it does an economic revival. As for the Sanders proposals, hopefully they will make it into the Democratic Platform. Even if they don't, they are likely the backbone of the coming New Left in the Democratic Party.

Chanting "Bernie or Bust" gets people to rallies. People will stop saying it soon enough. Let's see if Hillary as adult enough to offer the needed olive branch, say 100 delegates from now. As for the Congressionally apointed control board, he has a point. The President should have all the appointments. This provision was a poison pill that Obama swallowed anyway. Whether Sanders is right or not depends on who is on the board and what staff director they appoint. To resist what Sanders is trying to do - let the Senate in on the negotiations - is coming from fear. If you act based on fear, someone is surely taking the upper hand on you.

As of this writing, the server for RCP is unreachable, but I will guess that Berkowitz is apologizing for Israel again (as in Apologia, not contrition) and that its one sided. Until Zion shows soom contrition for how it has treated its brother Semites (sons of Ishmael are sons of Sem), there is no hope for peace. Early in the nation, Israel promised compensation to the relocated. To my knowledge, not a dime has been paid. Instead, houses have been destroyed over suspicion of terrorism - hardly what Torah says about treating the alien within with justice.

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