Monday, May 23, 2016

Can we avoid the 'bathroom wars'? | National Catholic Reporter

Can we avoid the 'bathroom wars'? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: As I understand it, accomodations for transgender students in bathrooms were regulated decades ago. No one noticed then - and it is not really much of an issue now (bullies will still terrorize transgendered kids, but the bathroom is the cliche place to do it, hence the rules) - it has been resurrected as a way for the right-wing to hit back, not against Obama but against the judicial system which eagerly and quickly struck down Bush era prohibitions on marriage equality. Looking back on how easy it was, the gay community should have acted more quickly - except victory hurts fundraising. ENDA should be number one on the agenda, but the conservatives hitting back will simply lead to more lawsuits by people for whom moral scorn is part of their freedom of religion. It is not, by the way - moral scorn is the equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater. This is pure demagoguery on the right - there will be no transgender men in little girls rooms. Schools almost universally have adult bathrooms for staff to use. As for the unnecessary pot shot on Sanders, we already have policies on health insurance, minimum wage and college finance. He simply wants to make them more effective. In for a penny, in for a pound.

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