Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Links for 05/10/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 05/10/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The Blue Wall of electoral votes is still 245.  Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Iowa and Pennsylvania are all battlegrounds.  Unless Trump wins all the battlegrounds, Clinton wins.  I don't believe Sanders really thinks he can win, but he is broadcasting the possibility of doing so in order to keep people coming to his speeches.  Hopefully he will make some promises in DC that will force HRC to commit to statehood.

Trump is selling Reaganism to the extent that Reagan scored well on strong and decisive leader.  However, Trump is no Reagan, neither is he a Goldwater.  I knew Barry Goldwater.  Barry and I used to ride the Senate subway together (he was always very nice).  Trump is not in the same class as Barry.  Not even the same school.  There is a difference between speaking authoritatively, which Reagan did, and being an authoritarian.  That's Trump.  Trump can only sell so far.  For most Americans, Obama made things better.  Indeed, he could run on a Morning in America ad campaign.  Only the Obama haters think there is anything that needs to be restored.

LifeSiteNews is slanted, but I am sure they are telling the Republican/Pro-life line accurately.  Of course, they are all symbolism and have no real proposals on how to protect the unborn, other than doing unconstitutional things to women like Trap laws.  Its time to realize that the movement is a scam (starting with the lie that the Supreme Court is in play this election).

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