Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Regula Fidei

The Regula Fidei by MSW. MGB: This did not seem like it really was about the book, but that's OK, most of us have not and will not read it anyway.

The usual controversies are not about liberals and conservatives, they are about Modernists, Traditionalists and in some cases Reactionaries (sorry, can't find  a catholicized term for that).  The truth is, at some level all believers have to be a least a bit Modernist, if only to acknowledge the passage of time.  Then add all the new work on biology (the disordered lie cannot stand up to epigenesis, nor can focusing on fertilzation stand up to understanding gastrulation) and biblical archeology and it is no wonder the Trads become Reactionary, but time does not stand still.  Its why be believe in Resurrection and in a Jesus who, in scripture, is Gentle and Humble of Heart. If only the Curia too after him.  Indeed, the radicalism of the scriptures is why the Church forbid their translation into the Venacular.

It is hard to scripturalize the market, but justice for workers is easy to find - much more than any sexual issue.  Little about abortion - and where it is there is abortion to determine adultery because women were property, and forgiveness for presumed adultery by both Joseph and Jesus.  More powerful is human experience.  Now that I am an object of charity, the relationship between the parable of the sheep and the goats (Jesus in the poor) and the requirement to give God first fruits is pure radicalism.  In other words, if you have old food and new food, give the new stuff to charity and eat the old yourself.

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