Friday, June 19, 2015

Links for 06/19/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 06/19/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The gold pens are out at Milleniel.  I suspect there no red ones.  Still, not sure there is any momentum to the Encyclical after this week, unless something happens that can only be warming.

Henneberger's story is interesting.  I think she nails the situation pretty well.  If the conservatives want to keep the story alive, of course, they are free to - as it keeps global warming in the public eye.  I suspect they will let the story die and not try to crash his party, as I hope security will be good enough so they cannot.

Bishop O'Connell and Archbishop Cupich say the right words (and there are links to some video remarks), which is good.  Hopefully all American bishops will, even if it hurts.  Lets hope they also head off any attempts to lobby the Pope on this issue.  If this teaching is going to be more than a media event, it is the bishops who must keep it alive by discussing it and having PSM do workshops on it. Of course, Parish Social Ministry (I refuse to use new titles), can also move forward systematically even before the bishops ask them to.

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