Monday, June 8, 2015

Five Things to Remember | National Catholic Reporter

Five Things to Remember | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: My top five based on MSW's top five

1.  Religious power is not religious liberty. Let your staff make their own moral choices.

2.  Child sexual abuse is not a moral choice. Its probably a sickness, but it is also a crime.  Don't use religious power or your lawyers to evade punishment or responsibility to the flock.

3. Gay marriage is inevitable because the youth believe in it - and its your fault for not treating long term compansions as spouses when their spouses were in the hospital. Sacramental marriage is between two people with an optional priest and fecundity is not required, only functionality.  Its not your place to define the functionality that others were born with.

4.  Quit fighting Modernism, it always wins because those who espouse it always live longer.  There is a world out there outside what the Magesterium seems to be aware of.  Throw it out.

5.  God loves you.  Trust Her.

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