Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Links for 06/30/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 06/30/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I am fairly sure the persecution they are talking about is the expectation that government will somehow mandate their celebration gay weddings.  The truth is that the families of gay congregants will do that instead.  What they really fear is judgment from God for doing so or having the nation do so - and that judgment is not over the constitution and acceptance of gay families (although they bemoan the end of traditional marriage, which was patriarchal and used to compare marriage to how Christ relates to the Church - a comparison which may be oddly apt if our understanding of Church changes with marriage).  They really fear being somehow linked to the sex act in the marriage they solemnize.  In other words, its about the sex - though they know that in regard to banning consensual private sodomy, that ship has sailed forever.

Bravo to Leon on this essay.  It is the spirit of prophesy (which we Catholics capitalize usually) that impels us to speak about the harm done to the Palestinians - from land grabs in the territories, and formerly in Israel proper, to a lopsided response in Gaza to launching fire crackers that took weeks to hit anyone, to a wall which seeks to define two states on a one sided bases, seeminly without regard to the availability of resources on the other side.

Is it just political or demographic blow-back that are important?  I think not.  G_d has an opinion on this as well - and those Orthodox who wish to establish a new Temple will, at the very least, find that the Holy Ark will allude them while they trample the alien. Will Bibi have to answer to G_d. If you believe in an afterlife, I expect so - on Oren for his vigorous defense when according the prophet Ezekiel, he should join the condemnation os Bibi will repent.

Of course, as a Romani, I must join Leon in telling Bibi he has gone to far. New analysis of religious practice indicates the Roma are the Isrealite exiles - most of whom are now Catholic.   Some percentage of our people stayed and converted to Chirst and then Isalm - and probably are among the Palestinians.  What number, we don't know - but the ultimate irony may be that Bibi is actually persecuting the sons of Israel, making him the leading anti-Semite.

Myers-Briggs is based on Karl Jung's psycholinguistics.  I have always found the test fluid, meaning that if you know the measures at all, you can adjust your answers to change the resulting type.  Indeed, one might as well junk the tools and tell people what the categories are and let them pick what they feel like today.  The article itself is quite fun and only a little tongue in cheek.  As long as people don't goal seek when reading it, it may be more useful than the tool.

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