Friday, October 23, 2020

Not a knockout, but Biden (and the moderator) won the final debate

Not a knockout, but Biden (and the moderator) won the final debate 

Sometimes the mute button shows the true character of the person, especially when they are not speaking. Trump looks every inch the fascist with the sound down. Almost half of likely voters will have had their votes counted before the polls closed and the vast majority will be for Joe, gaffes and all.  People who loathe Trump could not stand watching him in the debate. That would be most people.

Election day will be even worse for Trump. His base is about to be very sick. Not his fault, because masks are not a factor in how the virus is spread - indoor sneezes from "seasonal allergies" by people you know. Trump is only responsible for his affect, which is really what people are voting against. 

Trump is not a nice guy nor an honest broker. Especially on Russia. I am no fan of anyone having to release their tax returns, from Donald Trump to Michael Sean Winters. On Trump, prosecutors already have them. Juries will soon. 

Trump is not totally wrong on migrants. Talk to any immigration lawyer. Most asylees really want a better life and family reunification. Few, if any, are fleeing anything. 

Trump is right, the Democrats really do want to kill private insurance. A well-designed public option (which includes anyone who is denied coverage) will do so as certainly as single-payer. I have no problem with that at all.  

Trump believes he is better on race because he freed non-violent drug offenders from prison. This is because he thinks all Black men are criminals.

The wealthy need skin in the game on warming. Cap damages on flood insurance and they will get really interested, really fast. They like having an expensive beach getaway. If Joe can get this done, he will have saved the planet, 

Biden needs to talk about fracking in terms of Oklahoma being an earthquake zone. Until it starts collapsing, no one will care, not even in Oklahoma. Natural gas is a clean fuel and the best option, short of everyone having an induction cook top. People never react until after a crisis. We evolved that way. 

We also evolved to like strongmen, but Trump is more parlor pink than strongman. We know how to deal with those too. The bidding is closed in this game. We bid No Trump.

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