Thursday, October 22, 2020

Links for 10/22/20

Links for 10/22/20 

Trump supporter foolishness is not news. Neither is Bob Barr at a prayer breakfast. The whole prayer breakfast concept was started by the protestant fundamentalists. Google "C Street."

The seamless garment approach is a way to co-opt the issue from the Republicans. It is a response, not an initiative, the to GOP pro-life scam. Standing for life is not enough. The Church needs to be an example to other employers by paying a just wage (add a child, pay goes up $12,000 a year) and make a tax credit for doing it item one on their legislative agenda. 

It also needs to close the office of pro-life activities, which is a Republican front group. The bishops are either misinformed are part of the fraud that banning abortion is constitutionally possible in the United States. There is no scenario to treat abortion as infanticide that does not involve recording all pregnancies and investigating their loss - or punishing anyone involved in the infanticide, including the mother.

The sovereign is responsible for the safety of the realm under social contract theory. The people are now the sovereign and inherit that duty. A person who cannot be reformed needs to be euthanized. Indeed, most of the guilty would prefer that to being locked in a room for 23.5 hours a day until they die. Restorative justice is good for the victim's family, but does not relieve society of the responsibility of preventing danger. That is also why some abortions are justified, especially in later trimesters.

Biden's lack of Obama-level support may have changed since putting Harris on the ticket. The concern many have is his age. South Texas Republicans are still grateful to Reagan for amnesty. They respect Bush for trying for it, regardless of the overt racism of James Sensenbrenner in stopping it. Had W succeeded, he would have put Latinos in the GOP column forever.

There is nothing meritocratic in putting rich kids in college who should not be there.

The War of 1812 was all about trying to absorb Canada into the United States. People remember things like that, as well as Catholic opposition to democracy in general and rights to conscience in the face of religious power in particular. The latter is still an issue regarding contraception and gay marriage by Catholic employees (although Francis is moving in the right direction).

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