Friday, October 9, 2020

Links for 10/9/20

Links for 10/9/20 

That Trump is responsible for anyone getting sick may or may not be true. Whomever infected him probably infected the staff a month ago on one of the campaign trips. Trying to explain how the disease spreads to doctors who don't see patients who are not dying is like trying to explain sex to a virgin.

Social Security, Unions (which the GOP fights), the Child and Earned Income Tax Credits (which both sides agree to, but not enough) and Employee Stock Ownership Plans are all part of both social democracy and Catholic Social Teaching. We can certainly go further in this country. I have written a few books about how. MSW and E.J. both have copies.

Southern Democrats were famous for denying the vote to Black and Brown people. Many such citizens still don't have the habit of voting, while the Southern Dems have simply become Republicans, as Johnson predicted when he signed the Voting Rights Act. Job One, with immigration reform, is restoring the parts of the Act that were struck down by the Roberts Court,

Religious Liberty is not really popular in Catholic traditionalist circles. Vatican II was supposed to change that. Like the Civil Rights Act, Dignitatis Humanae did not change hearts. Conservative bishops seek religious power under the guise of liberty. They need to be resisted loudly and clearly from the Catholic media. This also means it is time to write checks to the ACLU.

There is a certain amount of naivete in populism. Marx thought that it would overturn the Capitalist order. It did not. Instead, we got a mix of consumerism and unionism. Populism resists the economic radicalism necessary to get big money out of politics. 

The word elitism needs to be retired. It goes back to resistance to the New York Jewish Elite. It became the NY Elite, the Cultural Elite under Quayle, then the Hollywood Elite. It is amazing how people discuss the elites with "berg" or "ner" at the end of their names. Like Desenberg, Bodner or Bindner. Steinberg and Speilberg are also targeted "elites." 

Ignatio Montoya, call your office.

Fox News also puts "elite" in scare quotes.

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