Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Links for 10/6/2020

Links for 10/6/2020 

The only question on Barrett right now is if she has the votes and would it be good to make a stink about challenging her anyway. It is time to quit scoring points off of court nominations.

No one is sure about when Trump caught SARS-CoV-2. He already has the lung symptoms, which usually come 3 to 4 weeks after exposure - according to people who have had the disease, not the epidemiologists who have not asked us the key question - did you have a cold or allergies and when. The answer is about a week before SARS symptoms. 

Trump probably caught this virus the weekend of September 11th. Unless he sneezed on the crowd, he did not spread it. Duluth had the virus already, so he did not give it to them. The people least likely to get sick in the DC area are those outside the Trump bubble. It has already blown through the DC area. Those susceptible to infection have already been sick. We have a second round circulating - which is actually just a cold.

The conservative anti-democratic project explains the anti-Catholic bigotry that MSW sometimes complains about. After Vatican I, the action shifted to being against Darwin - but Rome still had concerns about "Americanism" which were really concerns about whether our view of constitutional rights allowed error to have its place. After religious freedom spread to the Church at Vatican II, the action shifted to sex, where it remains to day. Barr is a sideshow. 

The current action is still in the Pro-Life movement and the delusion that abortion can be treated as infanticide. In the late 1970s, the Evangelicals and Stoic Catholics formed an alliance that continues to pervert American politics for the sake of the Republican Party.  The other side show being Democrats for Life. They need to explain themselves. Do they merely witness, believe in punishing abortion as infanticide or are pushing for a larger Child Tax Credit? If they reject option 2, they are pro-choice. If they accept option 2, they cannot be Democrats.

Deutsche Bank and its relationship to Russia is the target of both Cy Vance and SDNY. Expect a ruling shortly, with comments about indicting a sitting President. The Second Circuit may be waiting until after the election to rule, which is another way to interfere with the election.

The Stoics are whistling in the dark. Fratelli, by not being sold as definitive doctrine, has neutered the concept that there is such a thing. What he says about religious freedom voids all the Anachronistic nonsense up to and including Veritatis Splendor.

All are welcome on the anti-Trump bandwagon, especially Puerto Ricans and suburban Republican women. In Pennsylvania, they are piling on. Kamala Harris will likely pull enough votes out of Philly to carry the state.

Freedom of the Press now seems to protect comedy acts, but too late for Lenny Bruce. See my comments above about the bad old days of pre-Vatican II Catholicism.

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