Thursday, October 15, 2020

Links for 10/15/20

Links for 10/15/20 

Not listening to Donald Trump is not cause for concern. I try to practice this as much as I am able. Taking official notice of the DoJ position on the Affordable Care Act case is not something she would allow. Also, unless MSW claims he is confident that she will preserve gay marriage and abortion rights and that it deserves a yes vote, no one who is likely to confirm her will change their minds.  The horse is dead. Quit beating it.

Neither Bob Barr nor Judge Barrett's opinion on Catholicism matters. They are neither Catholic leaders, theologians or even Catholic authors. That horse is dead too. Private to MSW: try commenting on Catholic authors on the Left who you are less known but say important things. Also, read us first - especially when we talk about you. I have more than one blog and none neither of them say anything about your column (or only rarely, but it is because I have a point).

We only know the results that have been published. Campaigns never publish internal polling results and news outlets only publish that which is consistent with their narrative. That Latino faith preferences are not published simply means they are not considered a story. They may or may not be asking. If you care, have NCR pay for a poll, but get a professional (like me) to do the questions). The Catholic News Agency should always be ignored. Nothing said by or about them is relevant.

Whether someone who is newly registered has changed their minds or is the result of GOP election fraud is a cause for concern and ballot challenging to make sure the same person is not voting twice in different places. The Red States are experiencing a COVID crisis. Melania had the real thing (sever fatigue - she is too young for the SARS2 symptoms). In about 2 weeks, there will be a lot of very sick older Midwestern voters. Those who got better by then won't be voting for Trump. They may even stay home and therefore not vote down-ballot. 

Just like politicians and judges should be ignored on religion, priests should be ignored on voting. Bishops to. I don't trust most bishops to manage their own diocese. Deacons should do that.

I also don't trust either about medicine. Doctors have not done so well either. Asking people who have actually had the virus shows how it progresses for most people and how it actually spreads. Fauci treated it like Ebola. It does not spread that way.

Anti-racism is not just about academic experience, or even history. It is about how our brains perceive difference automatically. It is about attitude as much as knowledge, which was Zimmerman's point. Most academia suffers from White Privilege, not because of intent but because of the lack thereof.

I know I sound snippy today (and have not yet had my coffee), but I stand by every word.

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