Saturday, October 13, 2018

Wuerl hounded from office for becoming face of abuse crisis
MGB: Ever the loyalist, he took one for the team when a Pennsylvania prosecutor tried to make a name for himself using old news, conveniently leaving Philly out of the analysis. We still don't know how high up the food chain that scandal goes. There are a few Cardinals in that town that need to be pried from office.

The hunt for perpetrators often leads to the firing of those who actually try to solve problems rather than the ones who are more organization man than team player. The difference is profound. No good deed goes unpunished. Those who do bad deeds, especially for reasons of power and money, tend to go unpunished. If Wuerl and company did not challenge them it is because some people are better ignored. Martyring them simply gins up their followers.

The resignation of Wuerl is no win for the right wing. Indeed, he was their friend in heresy hounding. I actually look forward to a new Archbishop or Cardinal (as long as it is not Chaput) who will likely shake things up a bit - especially regarding the National Basilica and CUA. Whomever it is, he will be a Francis man. The right-wing needs to learn that they should be careful what they wish for.

The pity is that the clergy still has our checkbook and our only recourse is to stiff the Church and some of its less toxic ministries. Until we make alternate arrangements for funding parishes and owning the grounds democratically, letting abuse go unpunished is a call to a lawyer away. Replacing Wuerl should be our choice, not the Congregation of Bishops or the Nuncio (unless this See becomes the American Patriarchy, then the Archbishops would select him - or her).

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