Thursday, October 25, 2018

Links for 10/25/18
MGB:  The only danger is that th caravan shows the humanity of immigrants. A real President would send the Asylum judges to Mexico and then drive them where they need to be in the US by bus.

Small donors and dissing the GOP because they don't want to spend good money after bad. I suspect that many major donors are doing the same thing. Follow the money.

President Pence will reverse Trump's decision on INF during his apology tour.

Civil servants do recognize that Trump is their boss, although I suspect that many are starting action in a way that can be easily challenged. There is an old saying in the bureaucracy - if you want it bad, you get it bad. College students aren't the only ones with PTSD after the election, although it may just be true horror rather than PTSD.

Vigano is best ignored. I may take the day off from reading tomorrow's column.

In battles on ideology, which Chaput thinks it is, words are weapons and acknowledging another's reality ends his bigoted argument. Calling it "their truth" makes it seem like the argument is relativistic. Of course, Chaput and his ilk may be practicing Catholic relativism, since fact seems to prove them wrong. Chaput's truth is that he is trying to save their souls because, at heart, he believes that God is an Ogre looking to damn them if they don't submit to Chaput's idea of divine authority. Chaput's truth is not real truth.

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