Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Links for 10/16/18

MGB: Trump's attempts are likely a violation of the Fifth Amendment (14 regulates conduct by , the States).  The courts will never allow it, nor will Congress pass it. These are simply for political consumption Sadly for Trump, fewer people are listening to him than ever before.  As to the Evangelicals, they are not monolithic. There are liberal Evangelicals and Black Evangelicals who are not for Trump. Call them Cultural Conservatives, which is a polite way to say they are racists, reactionaries or both. Trump cannot, on his own, restrict immigration.  This is all smoke for his political base, although restricting immigration makes illegal migration more likely, which is good for his capitalist crownies, who like slave labor instead of legal labor.

The fact that Warren is from Oklahoma is a sign of her heritage, not just her bloodline. Also, she did use that heritage to a leg up in seeking an education, which does not get her points with those reactionary racists Trump depends on (since he is one of them - it seems to be his heritage).

Turning Dr. Ford into an electoral strategy is both stupid and cynical, if true. Chuck and Diane were either stupid or craven to go public with this.

First Things shows that they are as culturally conservative (reactionary racist) as any other Trumpsters. I am glad MSW has taken up my Catholic Herald beat, as I used to react to them weekly. Another example of Catholic reactionaries.  Where Flynn stands is where he sits, which seem to be the cheap seats. Seems to go double for Dougherty, who at least reads your column and comments on it. on Facebook.  Hi, Mike. Perhaps MSW should too.

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