Monday, October 29, 2018

US bishops face most critical meeting since Dallas in 2002
MGB: The bishops have addressed accountability for sexual abuse. With apologies to the victims, many of whom can remember nothing else about their long ago childhoods, the horse is not only dead, it has been filleted and turned into dog food by now.  That both the USCCB and MSW have not dropped everything and called for strict gun control immediately is a sad comment on the intellectual and political life of the Church. Thoughts are prayers are not nearly enough.

That child protection it is being used by right-wingers to attack the Pope shows how it has gone from current to reactionary. They are right that Rome needs to be called to account, however. The unfinished business is to raid the Vatican's walls and take the ethnocentric paintings with the Holy Family as white people with no siblings for Jesus down, selling them to make the diocese whole for settling abuse claims. Making the Vatican responsible will show that the hierarchy is serious, nothing less. Until the supporters of Vigano' go there, they are blowing smoke.

Nothing the bishops say will have any impact on the coming election. The GOP allies of some of the bishops are going down to defeat in a little more than a week, so it is time for some of the bishops and the Conference as a whole to repent for its fealty to the scam which is the pro-life movement.

Legal abortion will not change. Roe cannot and should not be changed on jurisdictional grounds and, unless legal minds can come up with a way to investigate abortion without investigating miscarriage, 90% of abortions are untouchable by the criminal law. The only answer is economic and the conservatives in the movement will not budge on the only solution, which is to use an expanded refundable tax credit of $1000 per child per month, payable with wages, to give all children a middle class lifestyle.

Blood is running through the sewers around abortion clinics because this is not done. Blood is running through the Tree of Life Synagogue and the streets of drug infested neighborhoods because of both the War on Drugs and Republican fealty to the NRA, which makes the Church's support for the Republican Party a life issue for which the Bishops must atone (especially as the Republican Party is about to go the way of the Federalists).

If such an upheaval happens, it is almost impossible that the USCCB will not go with the flow. Loss of reputation seems to be the only thing the bishops understand. Hopefully, this will involve some public contrition for letting the link with the GOP be so blatant that they even sided with them in opposing health care reform and even punished the Holy Sisters who challenged their cupidity. That the Fortnight for Freedom has seen its last commemoration is obvious as well. The bishops will also have a come to Jesus moment on race relations and voting once their Republican cancer is excised.

As for gay bishops and priests, it is not the time to go after those who react normally to their sexuality. Rather, it is time to accept that such sexuality is appropriate to them and to other gays and lesbians, ending both sacred clerical continence and celibacy and perform gay marriages. The role of asexuality in both sex abuse and sexual morality needs to be examined more closely. Doing so should lead to needed changes. This is another area where it is time to out the bishops for their involvement with the Republicans.

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