Wednesday, October 10, 2018

US bishops must recapture spirit of collegial governance
MGB: First we need collegiality among their Holinesses, the Patriarchs of the major Churches of Catholicism: New Rome, Rome, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Moscow and Antioch (if one can be found). They need to add to their number, as it is a very Mediterranean centered group. They are needed in Brazilia, Washington or Galway, Buenos Aires, Beijing and Copenhagen.  They need collegiality first before it can be expected of their Metropolitans and Bishops, all recognizing the primacy of New Rome.

Of course, doing so would end the need for the Roman Curia almost entirely because Italy, Spain, Portugal and France do not need a Curia of that size to support the Roman Patriarch.  Send them home as Metropolitans or Patriarchs and make the rest of them take a parish. Don't send them to New Rome. Bartholomew has has enough problems dealing with Erdogan to deal with them.

As for America, et al, all Patriarchs need to handle the abuse crisis, which is what the Church was quietly dealing with when Jesus was to have said that any who would lead these astray (in pederasty) would be better off dead by swimming with the fishes in the Sea of Galilee. 

The main problem here is that people who are sexually unformed, asexuals, flock to the priesthood because they believe their lack of lust for women (or men) makes them holy rather than weird. They have caused too much mischief in the Roman Church to be allowed to control sexual morality (from Sacred Continence to Birth Control). They needed to be outed, especially to themselves. That problem has nothing to do with  collegiality. While Oullet is probably not an abuser, he needs to be outed as well. A bit of self-awareness on his part could be a gift to his fellows.

It does have to do with accountability. That should not be to each other but to their priests and people, who should be the ones electing and removing them, just as the priests and parish or diocesan administrators are responsible to the people they serve (and who pay them). They have shown themselves to be bad with money, following their lawyers rather than Jesus, and can no longer be trusted with a checkbook. The Galatian Patriarch (Galway or Washington) would have disciplinary and teaching authority for his or her Church. Pius feared the Americanist heresy. We need to validate those fears.

As for Vigano', I don't care about anything he says or does. The world can see sour grapes when it occurs. He needed to have his nose rubbed in it and now he needs to be disappeared. He hurt the American Church by siding with traditionalist abusers rather than doing for it what he tried to do with the Vatican Bank. He was a disappointment.  Douthat and Dougherty should also both be ignored as right-wing mouth pieces taking shots from the cheap seats.

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