Friday, October 5, 2018

Let's go a year in America without the elites
MGB: Power cedes nothing without a struggle. The elites are not taking a holiday, although because the Bishops are also elite, maybe just they could.  Democracy must be seized, it will not be given, whether in Lagos or New York.

Fred Trump is a racist ass and the apple does not fall far from the tree. As a result, Donald attracts voters who are also somewhat racist, both in reaction to Obama and just because they feel threatened by the decline of whiteness in America. As a future minority, they have reason to be afraid and voter suppression has already started (it never really ended) in the southern states. These elites did not go to the Ivies, they went to Bama. (Roll Tide).

The hard core Trump contingent thinks the Times is the Zionist Daily and won't believe its reports about Trump being a slacker whose main preoccupation is decorating his personal space. Elites seeking tax breaks also like their Trump, but may be realizing that sane America will not, so they will cut their losses and chastise the Republicans come November unless they shoot their own dog, preferably next week. Elite Republicans, especially the CEO class, use tax cuts as an incentive to keep worker salaries low, including the salaries of competing companies.

If taxes are too high, there is no such incentive because and bonus or dividend earned will simply go to the governrment. When this happens, workers unionize and demand higher pay, which spurs inflation and a decline in asset values for the elites. Additionally, if taxes are low, elites can take money, which is beyond what companies need to grow, and gamble it in the stock, bond (think mortgage backed securities) and commodities markets (especially oil) until a bubble sinks the economy and shows which companies are resilient and which deserve to fail,. This is why elites hate bailouts because it ruins their fun.

Low taxes also cause elites to cheat employees, customers, suppliers and the IRS. This is where racism and elitism support each other. It is the reason that redlining still exists in banking and tax evasion seems to have become a Republican civil virtue. It gives their supporters among the poor a model to emulate, which is why corruption and privilege rule in business, politics (as campaign funds buy members of Congress) and even the Church.

This allows Kavenaugh to be confirmed with a wink and a nod, lest the corrupt past of other elites whose family money or diocesan fortunes are used to buy the silence of their victims. Such lack of virtue prevents no one from entering the best schools, where such conduct continues, or learning to cheat in business, politics and the Church as the young become the old elites. Thus the system preserves itself.

The elites do not surrender power. It must be taken from them, starting with radicalizing firms that are already moving toward democracy, Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Cooperatives.  Until  workers realize that ownership means cash and prizes from owning the means of consumption, like interest free loans, free housing and education for youth and election of mangers, especially CEOs, they will let the current elites run free. Until they demand more, the elites will not take time off to chill.

As for the Church, elect lay deacons to take the checkbooks away from priests and bishops, see to the posting of the former and election of the latter so that the workers can be comfortable using the Church to provide educational and social services to their families. It is also time to end the elitism of men. Ordain women!

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