Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Links for 10/2/18

MGB: Enough of the errant Archbishops. We all know that Vigano' is a vengeful, Pentin is an idiot, DiNardo a disappointment and Chaput is all three.  Fr. Z is all three squared. Someone rid us of these meddlesome priests. Francis, call your office!

In the 80's grinding was not sex, although forcible grinding is still molestation, in the 90's, it was oral, but forced is still rape. If the FBI can convince Kav he really did what people say, he should resign is his seat in DC and withdraw his name, else he is still a cad.

Busch want to turn the Church from a medieval despotism to a reactionary plutocracy. That does not invalidate the need for democracy from below, at least as far as the money and power are concerned. Medievalism in the Church has seen it's day. It was a modern form in the middle ages, now it is passe, as are those who cling to it. Fr. Reese, call your office!

Burning a flag is legitimate protest. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Sometimes it is heroic, other times it is fascist. Highlighting the fascists is not worth our time of day except to know they are out there. Do they have a flag we can burn?

I learned when I was the local Catholic left blogger for the Examiner not to take Elizabeth seriously.

I don't take Ryan seriously either. The House bill was an attempt to pander to GOP donors. The donors don't like wasting money, however, and will not spend any on a lost cause. The only way they will is if Trump resigned or was removed. It looks like the Mueller report is ready, as no new indictments have been issues and Trump is hiding from Rosenstein.

The Chinese Bishops' story is part of a long term issue on who picks bishops, the Holy See, the local government or the people. The only modern solution is the people, else you simply have one despotism arguing with another. Still, I am glad the legitimacy question is settled, so long as the bishops appointed are real pastors and not agents of the government. The Party may find that they will be the voices of reform, which would be both ironic and inconvenient for Beijing.

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