Thursday, June 9, 2016

Will this year see a political realignment? | National Catholic Reporter

Will this year see a political realignment? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Neither Obama victory was close. It was backed by a coalition of identity politics and Wall Street. There is now a significant part of the Democratic Party that does not like that idea, but they will vote for the historic first of a woman president. If they (OK, we) decide in the out years to take our toys and form a new party (or take over the Democrats in the organizing meetings that occur after the November election), Wall Street won't have a toe hold, and the DLC Democrats could join with similar country club Republicans to form a new pro-business party, with the angry Trump voters largely dying off, but the survivors dividing between the two - or going to their natural home in the Libertarian Party or the Constitution Party. Of course, whether Wall Street will let a second party form where it does not have a stake is an open question, but if the Sanders coalition holds together they may have no choice.

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