Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Links for 06/08/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 06/08/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Puerto Rico needs to keep stiffing creditors. Its the only way that Wall Street will realize that their best deal is passing the bill.

Bishop and Duffy have nothing to worry about. No one reads press releases from vulture capitalists. Unless they are willing to write checks for primary challengers - oops! the primaries have likely already happened or the ballot signature deadline has at least passed.

Deportation is not good politics. Sadly, its the law. This is what happens when Latino voters stay home and let the Trump voters control Congress.

America is a republican form of government where properties interests are meant to have a finger on the scale. Sanders would agree with that. Yes, Paul's speech writers are a bit extreeme on this - but they always have been. Remember, conservatives, especially the libertarian kind, don't trust democracy over individual rights (especially the economic ones).

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