Thursday, July 23, 2015

Walk with Francis | National Catholic Reporter

Walk with Francis | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: At the risk of confessing my own righteousness, I have been walking the talk for a while, both in terms of Ignatian spirituality and writing to produce change.  You can read further as you like in my notes and on my blog.

I've got the defending the environment thing going on with my association with 1000 Planets.  We are working on habitats for orbit, Mars and the surface of Earth with no footprint at all, save taking up space.  Closed loop means few if any inputs.  Of course, it is appropriate for the state to help.

Not so for the unborn. They cannot be defended until recognized by Congress - lawsuits won't do it and frankly, the USCCB and the National Right to Life Committee don't want it done - as the debate will show that first trimester embryos cannot be recognized in abortion unless you recognize them in miscarriage - and that should never happen.  Anything else is an argument about services to Downs Children being enough to prevent their slaughter and the rules to end a toxic pregnancy early (as early as possible).  Yes, that means playing God where necessary.  Grow up and put on your big boy pants.

Of course, the statist solution to abortion is much more money for families with children.  Right now, they get $1000 per child per year, plus any home mortgage interest deductibility, etc.  The latter should be struck down and the former increased by that much per month - paid with wages or education stipends/disability, with health through the employer, education provider or disability services provider employee insurance. Justice means the one justly helped does not want for anythig. What I describe is what justice requires.

As for what I want to hear, I want to have him ask what we want to say.  Whether it be the above or something about families wanting their gay daughter to have a Church wedding - in Latin.  I also want the Committee on Pro-Life Activities disbanded as a farce serving Republican electoral interests rather than the unborn.  Any other interretation of what they do is absurd and is, like the seamless garment, trying to be liberal and faithfully Catholic when that statement cannot apply to the movement's hijinks.

What Jesus wants is followers who do what He did, speak out!  Lets do that!.

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