Monday, July 20, 2015

The Lord hears the cry of the bourgeoisie | National Catholic Reporter

The Lord hears the cry of the bourgeoisie | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: MSW is correct in talking about the working class, the middle class and the upper middle as separate entities - and hopefully the Pope will talk about that.  I hope he doesn't scold the middle class about consumerism, because the working class needs its consumption or all that is left to them is violence.  Indeed, wew need to get the workes MORE money for more consumption.  

Consumer stuff largely comes from Asia, where people do fine work with hazardous materials and little safety.  As bad as that is, the problem here is food.  Undocumented migrants pick it (and some prisoners) and process it, usually without union rights.  Buying locally is not an option for most and may still use exploitation, especially in the DC area, but really anywhere. I am sure some scolding is appropriate for even the middle class sans working class that feels so put upon.

Austerity should be talked about and condemned.  The sequester is delaying a really robust recovery and forgiving housing debt should be on the agenda too.  Higher taxes on the wealthy, especially heirs, need a mention or five.  Most importantly, a large refundable child tax credit - paid with wages - of $1000 per month per child should be a demand and Church should pay that to its employees starting now.  

As important, the pro-life movement must be examined to see whether it actually has any prospect of success other than electing Republicans - and equally for their opposition to measures that would alleviate poverty (because personal economic responsibility and sexual control seem to be more important than economic justice for families).  Now THAT would make news!

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