Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Links for 07/22/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/22/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Francis is a radical.  So was Jesus.  Neither was a Trad either, although I am not sure either could be called Modernist, which is more a lay academic thing, not a clerical viewpoint.  Liberal is about pluralism - not justice.  Radicalism is about justice.

Kirsten Powers is scoring cheap points and it is equally cheap to agree with her. Want to crush PPUSA? Make sure families have enough money to raise and college educate themselves and their kids - justice will stop abortion - the economic, not the criminal, kind.  Give up on the criminalization dream and get with the Radicalism of Francis economically and PPUSA will close all clinics because no one will need them - and they will do it happily!  Of course, to get the economic justice, we may have to crush the Pro-Life organization at USCCB.

I like the Churches where Francis said Mass in Latin America. Note the irony.  Maybe Francis is more modernist than I give him credit for, as he would not build the new Cathedrals of either century.

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