Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Links for 07/29/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/29/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: There is no left and right on theological questions, there is Traditionalist and Modernist. Trads want no change and cannot conceive of a process to make any. This position requires blindness to how natural law should be used (reason and evidence, not authority) and how matters of faith were democratically settled - and still are - among bishops - who when matters were settled were elected by their home parishes (early bishops were pastors, not lordlings).

Try as they might, the Planned Parenthood affair will not be the Pro-Choice Waterloo.  The character and linkages of those who want to make their little right wing conspiracy succeed are fair game, none of which changes the fact that the medical director would describe exactly the same procedures if the tissue were coming from a natural miscarriage, or were part of an Orphan Black style conspiracy (sorry, I've been binge watching).

Leon seems to be what the left is doing about Planned Parenthood videos, going personal rather than at the deal.  The deal is absolutely necessary.  The sanctions have gotten to the stage of hurting real people and not the military.  We need a way out.  We have such a strong military pressence in the region that there is no risk of anything untoward happening, which won't anyway.  Two Muslims would die for each Jew - there will be no nuke on Israel.

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