Thursday, July 16, 2015

Links for 07/16/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/16/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: It is good that the Kalmanovitz Institute is putting their money where their mouth is.  If you want this kind of organization in industry, you must have it in education.  Its time for capitalists to start feeling the hot red breath of socialism - but this time for socialism to not settle for being a bargaining chip.  We have the Pope on our side.

As I understood the incident, this was a Breitbart style set up and edit as you wish.  I pity the fools who actually had, as their first reaction, believing this Goebbels style propaganda rather than questioning such outlandish idiocy.  This reminds me of a joke we had in the Ombudsman's Office in DC during Marion's last term.  I was remarking to the Ombudsman that the way some people view us, they think that we our young (or theirs) - to which, without missing a beat, Willie chimes in, Mmm, Children, with sauce!  Sick joke or appropriate satire?  You decide. (there was also the chicken commercial with the phrase "parts is parts" that is equally appropriate to such fuzzy thinking by pro-lifers.

The Occupy Democrats graphic has been out for a long time.  Amazing how what its says is unimpeachable.

The Whole Life Democrats site should be read before we jump on its bandwagon.  It seems to buy into that nasty attack on Planned Parenthood.  Now, there is a place where aborted tissues are for sale - China - for tissue transplantation.  That is condemnable, but the one child policy that prompts it is what is really vile.  When the pro-life main stream puts Republican Party politics over everything else, the moral choice is not to find common ground, its to condemn both sides for politicking the issue and not immediately insisting on a $1000 per month child tax credit, refundable with wages, as the first, last and only demand.

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