Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Links for 07/07/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/07/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The Pope asking us to mumble it if we believe that some marriages can be saved may be the best advice - as from the lips to action the the heart and mind. Still, since I am the one who was left, mumbling probably won't help - since God will not move one person because of the prayers of another.  Its an interesting thing to bring up a very few months ahead of a Synod that will talk about letting divorced and remarried Catholics go back to Communion (assuming they go to Mass).

The USCCB flier was likely a staff job by the most Republican leaning staff members.  What are they trying to do, decrease Mass attendance further?  I suspect many will be undeterred in seeking blessings for the marriages of their gay children, siblings, parents, selves and there are plenty of gay priests, celibate or not, who will quietly accomodate them - praise God!  As for the employer side, that shoe is yet to fall, but no parish, diocese or institution who recognizes those immoral heterosexual civil marriages without a thought can not do the same for the gays and lesibians without showing deep hypocricy. (I am going to keep saying the last bit until I hear an echo in the media).

If you have some time to kill, watch the tape of an entire event on the environment by John Carr, including an energy company representative - although I bet it was not a company owned by the Koch family.

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