Monday, January 26, 2015

MSW Responds to Professor George | National Catholic Reporter

MSW Responds to Professor George | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: On the Church and the Blastocyst, let us get our terms straight - one is only an embryo after gastrulation - and embryos are worthy of protection.  The same protection is not owed to blastocysts - and I don't know that any woman uses contraception lightly - its a serious thing - which is why it should be left to the women, not the Church (which, I keep yelling from the housetops, is wrong.  Period - and before Evangelicum Vitae, it was not entirely wrong.  Earlier, when the right of the disabled to not be sterilized was proclaimed (and nothing else) the Church was absolutely right - and still is when it rejects eugenics of the mentally disabled or the poor in developing countries.

As to warming.  It is a scientific question.  What are not scientific questions, however, are whether the science opposed to warming is bought and paid for by the Koch brothers or arises from independent research.  Everyone will agree, of course, that when people are hurt by warming - especially flooding - we must help them, mostly without regard to cost.  The sticky point comes when we address the degree to which capitalism is involved in keeping people poor or in harms way - or in doing those things, like burn coal, that are probably making things worse.  The burning of coal is not so much the problem as the capitalist motivation of it all.  And that is where the Pope's writing will pack the biggest punch - one which right wing Catholic writers, like Robbie George, may be quite fluxomend by.

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