Friday, January 9, 2015

Good Bye Boxer; Hello Chaos | National Catholic Reporter

Good Bye Boxer; Hello Chaos | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Barbara Boxer has hardly torn the national apart over the abortion issue - blame for that can be given to the Pro Life side, who has turned abortion into a fundraising bonaza for individuals and candidates and especially for the Republican Party.Is she pro choice?  Yes.  Being pro-choice means not wanting legal restrictions on abortion - it is not advocacy of abortion.  It is a subtle difference, but necessary to defuse this issue.  Look at Tea Party websites and you will see who is tearing this nation apart for all the wrong reasons.  Would she stand in the way of a legislative compromise on abortion.  Probably - but so would the entire right wing.  I don't recall her being on the legal team for Roe v Wade, although she did stop the Stupak amendment in the Senate - probably because it went a far, or could have.  As for Diane Feinstein, glad you like her - although I suspect she voted against Stupak as well.  California politics are great for reform.  If the Democrats are shut out by running two strong candidates, that could be a problem.  Of course, so could he GOP in running two strong candidates, as unlikely as that sounds.  Primary voting tends to be depressed, so my guess is that two Democrats will run and win.  Of course, a Green could get into thee mix too.  I would like that because I am a party member.  As for the diminuation of parties, this can be traced to the Supreme Court decisions that say money is speech - not to Barbara Boxer.    The campaign money is also why we don't really do anything about inequality.  The people writing the checks would not like that (another reason to vote Green.

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