Thursday, January 29, 2015

In Praise of Conservatism | National Catholic Reporter

In Praise of Conservatism | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Burke is an intersting figure.  He was a working Tory politician - who no one ever mentions was in a party that wanted to back King George on continung the war in America (indeed, had the Tories not lost an election that was a referrendum on the war, it would have resumed and frankly, the Brits would have won).  When I was in college I read a book called Burke's Politics by FA Dryer, although I think the newest definitive work is called The Reactionary Mind by Corey Robin. I truly believe that Sir Edmund would have been kicked out of the Republican Party (though interestingly, not the Whigs) and wouldhave been much more comfortable with Barack Obama than anyone in the House Republican Study Groups - especially Bachmann, King and the rest and he would have blanced at McConnell's intransigence and Palin's stupidity. Like Obama, he would not want the ACA overturned just to give his party a victory (at least I hope not, if so, he would have no principles - as most of the principles in the Act are Conservative).

The Tridentine issue would have meant nothing to Burke, as he was not Catholic - indeed, the Book of Common Prayer of his day looked a lot like the New Order Mass.  It might have been a bit more traditional, but they were roughly equilvalent.  While there are some who missed the Latin and the paegentry, many just missed the speed at which the Latin Mass flew by - I suspect including some priests.  As for its language, the current Mass could have been lifted from the old Roman Rite - which is why some liberal parishes are upset by the term "and with your Spirit" - that being the most noticeable change - although any of us who have an old Tridentine Missal can recognize some of the old language on the translated page.  The new Mass is essentially a reactionary thing as the modern GOP is reactionary.

The modern GOP, on marriage and abortion issues, is also all about propoganda and raising the ire of its faithful - and it will continue to do so until the people it reaches with this message have died off.  Again, they are reactionaries, not conservative (and many don't believe the reactionary message except when it has to do with getting elected again).  Burke would not have approved of these things, nor of the racial tones in oppossing Obama, which play well in Selma and the Hillbilly Riviera (the Florida panhandle).  If you want to read further, see Senator Al Franken's piece on Rush Limbaugh - "Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Fat Idiot."  I suspect Burke would have thought it funny.

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