Saturday, January 24, 2015

Links for 01/23/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 01/23/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The Pope's call to confession is the same one that any priest puts in his homily at this time of year, as Lent approaches. It matches the Gospel of the day and is hardly new doctrine.

As for Mollie Hemingway, the fact that she writes for the Federalist demonstrates her views are skewed and reading them is doubly proof. The 20 week ban has nothing to do with viability - that is 24 or higher (24 year old neonates will have a lifetime of issues). The 20 week ban comes from ultrasound findings that show this age has a response to stimuli - and most doctors consider this to be a reaction rather than suffering pain. As for the strength of the GOP leadership, I suspect that they were responding to funders who did not want a win here - as this would essentially settle the issue for now (although not in the right way). The grass roots may have lost but the people who profit from the issue won big - which no one at Federalist will ever admit.

As for Joni Ernst, no farm family can ignore subsidies unless their entire purpose is a family garden. No hypocracy there at all. My family in that part of Iowa has likely received much more than she.

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