Saturday, January 10, 2015

Finally, Sanity on Francis' Encyclical | National Catholic Reporter

Finally, Sanity on Francis' Encyclical | National Catholic Reporter by MS W. MGB: It is good to see a post from a friendly voice, and how is more friendly to the Pope than his brother Jesuits.  Linking poverty to the environment, especially regarding who is hurt by climate change, is the key and is the reason the right wing is attacking in droves - mostly right wing libertarians.  Left wing libertarians, while believing in legal and safe abortion - do not necessarily believe in the Eugenics of others, both of the poor and to cut down on population growth.  While there really are some who think that way, the harder core Marxists look at childbirth as part of a healthy society.  It is the middle class left libertarians who even consider ZPG. Mutualists don't - at least not this one.  I have held, since Caritas in Veritate, that the approach to Obama on stopping international family planning is to remind him that it is families like his in Africa that they want to limit (and by they I mean the Gates Foundation and Warren Buffett).

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