Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Reckoning with our national flirtation with fascism

Reckoning with our national flirtation with fascism 

Trump and Hitler do parallel, but not because they wanted to tear down their empires. They were sociopaths. They simply didn't care. They each put their own welfare above the state. Rather than face personal consequences, they endeavored to hold them off as long as possible.

They were both pathologically insane. Trump was always off and his father took his bipolar son and turned him into a monster. Hitler had advanced syphilus that had spread to his brain. I will make no analogy to Trump here.

Trump sold out to Putin for his precious Moscow Project. Anyone looking at this realistically could have told him there was no chance it would be built, but it was the perfect carrot for Trump. The Moscow tape was the perfect stick. Expect to see it.

Trump never should have run. He believed that his flock would not care. He did not imagine that he could not, with a stroke of the pen, stop any investigation of his past. No one in his orbit had the courage to stop him. They still do not. For this, blame Pence.

Trump's defenders likely had reason to fear any investigation of an ousted president. Look at their campaign finance filings. I bet they are loaded with Trump Super PAC money. They are inept as Trump in thinking the presidency conveyed immunity. 

Chief Roberts answered that question. No one is above the law. I expect that we will soon find that the Court green-lighted giving Trump's records to Cy Vance and SDNY. In a Grand Jury investigation, they are not obligated to disclose their decision until Trump is indicted. Among the second rate lawyers are Hawley and pro-life icon, Jay Sekulow. Both will join Trump in prison.

Trump as il Duce is obvious. Just turn down the sound when he speaks. 

Fascism is possible when the working class is desperate. Since the JFK/LBJ tax cuts, the CEO class has been raiding worker compensation. Reagan accelerated the process and tax reform ratified its pasic framework in 1986. 

The only way out of our econimics is massive reform, starting with taxes. It is why Huckabee attracted a crowd by embracing the Fair Tax. The flaw in that proposal is that it lets the rich off the hook and makes redistribution a government activity, rather than giving incentives to employers to compensate families fairly, while giving investors incentive to sell to employees. Until this happens, the current economic and political dynamics, mixed with endemic racism, will maintain. The masses expect an authoritarian workplace. They largely work well within it. Those who do not blame the Other. Ownership will end this dynamic.

What will happen to Trump? In this, he is more like Nixon than Hitler. When the GOP is certain to remove him, he will quit. He may even strike a deal on some of his financial crimes. His debtors get first crack at the meat. SDNY will only get the bones. Not hearing Trump's name ever again (except when playing Bridge) would be a blessing. However, since his indifference to what his mob did in killing a policeman, he is guilty of manslaughter. There is no walking away from that, nor from doing Putin's bidding. Capital punishment will be off the table.He is not capable of aiding in his own defense. It does not matter. After losing power, he will die a broken man,  like Hitler,and Il Duce, 

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