Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Biden, Communion and the functional schism in the US church

Biden, Communion and the functional schism in the US church  

Gomez embarrassed himself on Proposition 8. The argument on complementarity was unconvincing in Court (it does not go so well among the faithful either). His sour grapes make bad wine. He and Weigel are irrelevant, as are the bishops who voted for him as USCCB President.

Biden is right about the constitutional aspects of abortion. I will save my usual comments on the essential constituionality of abortion rights. It is Biden's obligation to his fellow liberal Catholics to explain this privately to the bishops and publicly to the voters. 

The answer to legal abortion are the Biden-Harris proposals to increase the child tax credit and make it refundable. No one who opposes these can maintain a perfect pro-life voting record. It is up to the USCCB and Catholic Charities USA to insist upon this. There is simply no other way to eliminate the demand for abortion (which would close more clinics than any law). If these methods are socialist than Comrades Freidman, Ford and Trump must be included in the Congressional Soviet.

The bishops who wish to ban Biden (and people like me) from Communion do so because they seek a consistent message in the Church, that all public Catholics must toe the party line. They do not understand the import of Dignitatis Humanae. It is not only freedom of religion that is protected. If Catholic politicians must toe the Church line on moral issues, then Dignitatis is dead letter. That cannot be. Gomez seeks loyalty, not purity. He follows Pius IX, not Jansen.

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