Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Links: Canceling untruths; censures show which way the wind blows

Links: Canceling untruths; censures show which way the wind blows 

The irony is that authoritative teaching is relativism because it favors clerical rank over truth. Trump got his power with a huge assist of the same clergy. This is no coincidence. 

The only way to enjoy the benefits of a free press is to own one. Parler only rented theirs, and they are a bad tenant.  Hawley is simply a traitor. He needs to keep quiet, although I can see how he can use being loud and obnoxious as a way to blame his fall on his voice, rather than his treachery and stupidity. Yale needs to give him his money back for his law school tuition.

Evil seeps in when everyone else do not pay attention. Expect some self-preservation in the latest round of party elections. The loudest pro-lifers are also the second loudest Trumpists (racists are the loudes.t). If GOP partisans do not clean house, there will not be a house to clean. As the sane Republicans flee, they will turn the Democratic house into a duplex.

The lesson of removing the filibuster is Mitch McConnell jamming Trump judges down the nation's throat. In a cooler climate, most would have been bipartisan. 51 is too low, with 60 too high. 55 is good number. The best way to get aid to the poor done is to sell higher and refundable child tax credits as anti-abortion legislation and make pro-life leadership both push this point and demand higher amounts. Ending this fetish for legal rights in the first trimester will save the pro-life movement from itself and the Republicans from the pro-life movement.

Enough Republicans voted to accept electors that Biden would have won anyway. The issue with the rest is likely receipt of Trump Super-PAC money. Once the investigation follows the money, the Democratic majority can only grow. Pence, however, became Trump's sin eater. He knows he is done politically. How much he was actively involved in doing so will be one of the benefits of history. The role of Bush, Sr. in Iran Contra is currently not known. It one day will be. The current round of investigations on the Trump Administration generally will unearth Pence's role sooner than later.

I am fine with a Trump Library, as long as it comes from surrendering one of his properties and doubles as a prison. His documents will be preserved somewhere so that historians can go through them, especially with regard to Pence.

There should be no national hymn. Lift Every Voice is already the hymn of the Beloved Community. Until our community is the overwhelming majority (which it could be if the pro-life movement changed its focus), we can talk teaching it to everyone.

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