Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Links: Inaugural addresses, Biden's Catholicism and a warty pig

Links: Inaugural addresses, Biden's Catholicism and a warty pig 

Anything Joe does is soaring rhetoric compared with the last one, which was aptly described by W as some crazy you know what.

Roosevelt laid the groundwork for what Biden must do. No new agencies need to be created, just funded adequately. He probably has the votes to do it. Hopefully he will take the bipartisan route so that Republican fingerprints are on it too. It will be sustainable, as will his majorities in Congress.

I hope that Biden has something to say to the Bishops on their Republican stance on abortion. The FBI also has questions. That would be news.

The problem for the DNC is that Biden owes them nothing. The grass roots went for him on Super Tuesday without any help and the Lincoln project did more for him in November than they did.

Apparently, because cave paintings were often the menu, our ancestors did not keep kosher.

I guess the changes in the Broadcasting Board of Governors had no impact on RFE afterall. I love the idea of radio having pictures. Now that is news!

1 comment:

  1. It is not so much that Puerto Ricans were helpless, but that their governor was hapless.
