Thursday, January 14, 2021

Links: Bloodlust of the 'most pro-life president'; Congress' guilty members

Links: Bloodlust of the 'most pro-life president'; Congress' guilty members 

Stephen Miller is more likely behind the bloodlust. I can't wait until federal law enforcement finishes with him on immigration. According to my sources, they have been watching for a long time. The March for Life, if it was scheduled for January 22nd, will have to be rescheduled. 

Given the links between movement leadership and the Trump campaign, with possible links to the Insurrection, I expect some of the leadership will be fine avoiding D.C. right now. Orange jumpsuits are more likely than sackcloth. 

The solution to 2022 is the Sanders agenda to get young people to vote. Also, do bipartisan tax reform so that tax rate changes cannot be used as a political and fundraising issue. That means adding such libertarian measures as ending filing for most households. For infrastructure, bring back pork barrel as an excuse for higher gas taxes.

Members of Congress will not be off the hook. Investigations are ongoing and pardons would merely show who in Congress needs to be removed under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. 

I am not so sure I mind the idea of Melania trying to make due on $200,000 a year while her husband either must share the money or spend time in jail or a mental institution. 

I certainly do not want any Trump to lose his Secret Service detail. I want them on hand to arrest the Trump crime family whenever we get around to it. Arresting him and confining him to Walter Reed sooner would send the message that no one is above the law and would require invoking the 25th Amendment.

God turns lemon into lemonade, even the most sour wars and pandemics. It will be business interests that will seek higher minimum wages. They do not like being undercut by cheaper employers. They also want people back to work - and as importantly - spending money, 

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