Thursday, February 6, 2020

Links for 2/6/20

Links for 2/6/20
If Unions also took employee-ownership to the next level (including union proxy voting) and lost their fear of personal accounts (as long as they owned 2/3rds primarily employer voting and preferred stock and 1/3rd of the same traded to an insurance fund of similarly owned firms).

Social and economic liberalism are both about change and empowerment. Neither can exist without the other. There is no chance any Democrat will credit Trump for growth (other than his signing of the two recent budget acts). Higher tax rates on the wealthy and higher minimum wages are both essential for the care and feeding of the working class.

NH is a make or break moment for Biden and Klobuchar. The issue for Sanders is his health. Let us hope he picks a good VP. Warren checks all of the boxes. If she does well among the Bay State expats, she will over-perform. Mayor Pete was also Navy Lt. Pete - which is good, but not great, experience to be President. Where is Wes Clark when we need him? Carville and all Clinton retainers need to exit, stage left. Biden too.

If Amy is the nominee, she will go to Iowa. Winning IA, WI, MI, OH, PA means talking about abortion now in terms of law, not identity politics, to show what is possible and impossible in the debate and then commit to a decent wage for families (not just a poverty subsidy). Doing so ends the problem of endless students. Will Amy go that far?

Bishops investigating bishops is not the issue as much as who selects them. The Spirit speaks from below as clearly as from above, if not more so.

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