Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Links for 2/18/20

Links for 2/18/20
Running billionaires is the ultimate in pandering to capitalism. It is the ultimate result of Clintonism. The lesson learned was getting the money, but the true lesson of Clinton, Obama and the Russian hack is that the Dems lose when they nominate based on whose turn it is (Mondale, Kerry, Hillary).

No billionaire is going to blame Larry Summers (or Clinton) for 2008. They certainly will not blame the NYMEX oil floor for sparking the panic (or the Bush tax cuts).

Roy is simply wrong about party switching. Rachel Bitecofer found record voting because Trump supporters came out more too. Obama won because young people showed up. 2018 happened because they showed up again. This had more to do with attitudes about the Trump cult than being part of the Sanders cult.

The question of Warren has nothing to do with sex. Progressives went with Sanders and in New Hampshire, women went for Amy in a way they could not in Iowa because of caucus rules. Older women voting for women is really a thing. Warren could have drawn heavily from both progressives and women. She has not so far. Her staff is more professional than populist. I follow one of her economic brain trust on Twitter and he is unshakeable in pursuing his reality.

Vatican II and resistance to it by the St. John Paul Curia defined recent Church history. That pastoral bishops agree with the Vatican II Fathers is the obvious truth that no one saw coming. Francis diminishing the Curia should be no shock.

There is no gay gene. The best research is that men become gay because of epigenesis in the womb. Maternal DNA may indicate a greater occurance of this, but not letting them reproduce would be the most horrible form of eugenics. By the time you can tell if children could be gay, childbearing is over. Prohibiting their siblings from reproducing would have meant my daughter and godson could not have been born, especially because my ex-wife and I both have gay siblings. The take away must instead be that gays really are born, not made. Denying them civil rights and family rights, including a Catholic wedding Mass, is pure bigotry. Denying ordination to women is of the same class. Maybe Dawkins is not so wrong after all.

Discrimination comes from fear. Note how Black youth are treated by police. It has become law enforcement doctrine that they are all armed gang members. The reality is that police are more likely to die at their own hands.

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