Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Links for 2/4/20

Links for 2/4/20
Today was not a good time to post about Biden's campaign. It seems to be over. As for a Trans Education Secretary, unless Warren has someone in mind, finding such a person would not be very likely unless she knows someone. The question is now whether Mayor Pete has NH legs (he might also pick the same Trans Ed Secretary) and whether Warren wins the women's and/or leftist vote there. If she gets both, then she may as well pick Booker as VP now and start running against Pence, thus showing that she has learned something about politics in the last few years. Probably too much to ask from a committed finance wonk or her staff.

Pro-life Democrats need to face the question of whether they would give the unborn the legal right to a claim to a criminal law solution against their mother's and their doctors. In the criminal law, the mother must be prosecuted for contracting murder. If not, abortion is not murder nor is regulating it possible without violating her privacy rights. If they can't face that question, no one will trust them. They need to chose between being RINO or DINO, based on their answer. Pick a side.

The smart move for Warren or Klobuchar and NARAL on life issues is jujitsu. Say absolutely nothing. Any pro-choice or mushy-middle woman will be voting against Trump anyway. If they want to make the election a referendum about abortion, either kiss Catholics on the fence about abortion rights goodbye or explain why Dems for Life must be DINO or RINO and offer an economic solution instead (a robust, refundable, child tax credit with pay).

Note to E.J., Pelosi, Schumar and Schiff are taking a dive for electoral purposes. The play on ousting Trump was as an agent of Putin or as having an insane fixation on the Bidens, not in pulling an election prank on CNN. They are either craven or stupid.

Shifting from vouchers to charters was the best thing to happen to urban Catholic schools and the neighborhoods they anchor. If only they would unionize and quit fighting the NEA. See above.

The object of  Weigel's affection is long gone and his cult is 20 funerals away from vanishing. So is an all-male clergy (starting with deacons and South America). Francis is being gracious by not noting this.

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