Friday, February 14, 2020

Links for 2/14/20

Links for 2/14/20
Trump is simply insane. Pence is his sin eater for that reason. He simply has no moral courage, but he and his party like the money Trump can raise from Oligarchs and the wealthy (who can buy loyal voters). His Fox News viewers are also old and angry Republicans. Being White is part of the deal. Stay off of the grass of their retirement condos.

Regarding baseball, the military and the Church - hierarchies and despotisms tend to suppress bad news. They also lie, like Fox.

Do Latino Catholics follow the Pope or does he simply share their values? The question for politics is, do they vote enough to make a difference. It is the Midwestern Catholics who are in the middle on abortion that are the concern. On that, they can be manipulated.

The rise of Amy is not about splitting the middle, it is about taking it over. Give her time. The big news is that Biden and Warren are likely done. Pity, because Bernie is too old to survive a term. I hope he picks a good VP. How do the numbers look for Sanders v. Pence?

Warren can do well if Bernie dies and his tribe of Millenials look to her. She would be a great White House Chief or Deputy Chief of Staff.

Bernie voters want free stuff. They think they know everything - but don't even get that their Hero is a Social Democrat rather than a Socialist. If he wins, he deserves them when he can't deliver.

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